Saturday, September 24, 2011

GREAT movie!

Hey everyone! So today was my day off, and I got to sleep in, get some laundry done, clean the apartment, and go see a movie!  I haven't seen a movie in forever, but today was a dreary day and therefore the perfect time to go to the movies.  I ended up seeing "The Help" and absolutely am in love with the movie!  It's about 2 1/2 hours long, which seems excessive, but I was not bored for one moment.  It was inspiring, emotional, and completely entertaining.  I give HUGE props to the actresses because they were absolutely flawless.  It took real self-control for me not to cry.  I cannot say enough about this movie,  and recommend that everyone should see it.  It has qualities that can be appreciated by all types of people: old, young, black, white, male, female (I think you get the point).  There is some cursing involved, but I still think younger audiences could benefit from seeing this movie.  They will learn a lot about the history of Civil Rights and will get them asking important questions.  All in all, a great move that I would tell anyone to go see.

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